Thursday, February 2, 2012

Friday, November 25, 2011

the meatballs

today,i ate meatballs with my lovely father with an avocado juice.
it's so delicious for me.

love you


it's time for christmas. many child like this,so do i because we got a lot toys maybe. but i like christmas so much.



I was near the front at a sort of concert and leading the dance. But the dancing was more like band marching. Lot of marching on the spot and raising stiff arms. I was dancing and Tammy from BMH work was across the stage as my partner. But we got to a part that I didn't know well and so she needed to lead. She could sing with it as well, even though there didn't seem to be words.

my stupid blackberry

today my blackberry hang,hang,and hang i hate it because it's like a stupid person who not yet eat . it's like  what is hard to say. i better change my blackberry.


Jesus is coming

Jesus is coming, open your heart

Advent is nearly 3 weeks away, but already Christmas is on my mind.

I stopped by the mall this weekend and was bombarded with corny Christmas songs, glitzy decorations and the troubling Photo With Santa stage, complete with screaming children.

Go ahead and call me Scrooge or even un-American. Its infuriating and appalling to see how commercialized and consumer driven Christmas is today. Yuck.

And then, Jo comes home from school this afternoon and starts singing and hand motioning:

I have a secret, what can it be?
Someone is coming, wait and see!
Come, let's get ready, hurry, let's start!
Jesus is coming, open your heart!
Sing, Hosanna! Jesus is coming!
Time to get ready, open your heart!

No wonder sending our girls to catholic school is a no-brainer for us.
Christ is the reason for the season. Let's try to remember that

Thursday, November 24, 2011

the one you love

there people you love is very kind a simple . you see like Justin Bieber it's easy to choose he love. i choose with a title that people you may love but you hard to tell to her or maybe a boy kind boyfriend or girlfriend it's only kind of jokes.